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How to Prepare for Your First Marketing Meeting
Those new to marketing or those who are taking their first ventures into outsourcing their marketing, want to make sure they are getting the most out of their investment, and rightfully so.
Signing up for marketing services and making the most out of your resources can help your business grow in a major way. Marketing efforts from an established firm will help you attract new customers, develop effective strategies to achieve your goals, and forge a strong brand identity that will stand the test of time.

Marketing to Gen Z with Authentic Content
Marketing your business to people between 27 and 15, also known as Generation Z, is essential in today’s economic climate. The oldest of this generation are earning salaries and looking at big purchases, while the youngest are starting their first jobs and learning to budget their income. Gen Z has money to spend, but figuring out what they want and how to market to them can leave some marketers scratching their heads.

When it comes to marketing your brand, you want your campaigns to make an impression. Audiences remember those brands whose advertising efforts stand out.

What Does Authenticity Look Like in a Brand?
Every business is looking to get ahead when it comes to their marketing efforts. For many, that means investing time, money, and effort into sprawling marketing campaigns that are designed to draw in new audiences and strengthen existing ones.
In today's climate, some of the most effective marketing campaigns are those that lean into authenticity. What does that mean for a business? It means showcasing your marketing message plainly and transparently. Oftentimes, this will include testimonials from customers, spots featuring real employees, and minimally edited.

The Story of a Brand
Whether you are just starting out or have been in business for a hundred years, your brand has a story. Your customers and clients want to hear your story, as it helps a sense of authenticity shine through. They want a glimpse at your past, your business's goals, its values, and how your philosophy aligns with theirs.