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A Day In the Life ADA ADA Compliance Advertising AdWords Authenticity Automations Black Friday Bookkeeping bounce rate Brand Communities Brand Development Brand Identity Brand Strategy Branding Message business future Business Goals Business Growth Business Slow Season Business Solutions Business Strategy Case Study Chamber of Commerce Website Client Support Color Theory Communication Strategies Compelling Hooks Content Creation Content Management System Content Marketing Content Strategy Core Web Vitals Covid-19 custom website Custom Website Design Custom Website Development Customer Engagement Customer Service data reporting design Digital Marketing Digital Presence Director of Marketing eCommerce Email Marketing Employee Spotlight End-of-Year Checklist Features future of design GBP Goal Setting Google AdWords Google AdWords Google Analytics Google Business Listing Google Business Profile Google Business Profile Update Google Maps Google News Google Services Great Resignation Hashtags IT Support Job Openings Key Features Lead Generation Link Building Marketing Marketing Agency Marketing Authenticity Marketing Goals Marketing Meetings Marketing Plan Marketing Strategy Marketing to Gen Z marketing trends marketing trends marketing trends Online Account Online Account Users Online Payments Operating Expenses Optimization Overhead Costs personalization Photography Productivity Progressive Web APP PWA Reaching Younger Audiences Reputation Management Responsive Websites School Websites Seasonal Trends SEO SEO Agency SEO Timeline Small Business SOCA Social Media Social Media Calendar SSL Certificate Storytelling Submit A Request Team Members Threads Tips & Tools User Experience (UX) Video Videography Web Development Agency Website Accessibility Website Agency Website Audit website boosting Website Content Website Cost website data Website Design Website Development Website Project Website Rebuild Website Statistics website terms website traffic Website Upgrade Website UsersSchool Website Feature: Blog Scheduling
You are always looking for ways to improve your school’s website. From information to resources and other helpful tools for students and staff, school websites are a powerful way to help immerse students in their education.
School Website Feature and Design Ideas
School websites are more important than ever before. Not only are they used as tools to disseminate relevant information to parents and students, but they also serve as a hub of education outside of school hours.
Reduce Your School Website Workload
School websites are one of the most useful tools a school district has at its disposal.
Websites help facilitate instant communication, serve as a hub for information and resources, and allow teachers to disseminate relevant assignments and announcements.

Many families lead hectic lifestyles with busy schedules, and they want to know what is on the horizon so they can plan their lives accordingly. This is true for both information within the classroom, and broader information from the school district at large.

There are many different features that administrators can use to control the flow of information. This especially comes in handy in cases of emergency when urgent information is a must.

What if you could help the school district by offsetting their technology costs while you're at it?
Legend Web Works is always looking for creative ways to help you promote your business online.
- Direct advertising to members of your community is the best way to increase visibility, especia...

A limited number of advertising spaces are available now on area school websites. Benefit from exposure to this trusted information h...