Entry Tags (117 found)
A Day In the Life ADA ADA Compliance Advertising AdWords Authenticity Automations Bookkeeping bounce rate Brand Development Brand Identity Branding Message business future Business Goals Business Growth Business Slow Season Business Solutions Business Strategy Case Study Chamber of Commerce Website Client Support Communication Strategies Compelling Hooks Content Creation Content Management System Content Marketing Content Strategy Core Web Vitals Covid-19 custom website Custom Website Design Custom Website Development Customer Engagement Customer Service data reporting Digital Marketing Digital Presence Director of Marketing eCommerce Email Marketing Employee Spotlight End-of-Year Checklist Features GBP Goal Setting Google AdWords Google AdWords Google Analytics Google Business Listing Google Business Profile Google Business Profile Update Google Maps Google News Google Services Great Resignation Hashtags IT Support Job Openings Key Features Lead Generation Link Building Marketing Marketing Agency Marketing Authenticity Marketing Goals Marketing Meetings Marketing Plan Marketing Strategy Marketing to Gen Z Online Account Online Account Users Online Payments Operating Expenses Optimization Overhead Costs Photography Productivity Progressive Web APP PWA Reaching Younger Audiences Reputation Management Responsive Websites School Websites Seasonal Trends SEO SEO Agency SEO Timeline Small Business SOCA Social Media Social Media Calendar SSL Certificate Storytelling Submit A Request Team Members Threads Tips & Tools User Experience (UX) Video Videography Web Development Agency Website Accessibility Website Agency Website Audit website boosting Website Content Website Cost website data Website Design Website Development Website Project Website Rebuild Website Statistics website terms website traffic Website Upgrade Website UsersWhat to Include on Your About Page
When creating a website, one of the most undervalued sections is the about page.
People tend to be more concerned with making a sale or showcasing their products than they are with telling the reader who they are. This is a massive blunder that can end up costing you conversions in the long...
Be a Google Search Genius!
Be a Google Search Genius!
Sure, you know how to type in a few keywords in Google to find what you’re looking for, but the tricks below will turn you into a Google Searching Genius!
These simple tools can help you find more precise results, faster! If only Google were around back in the days when...
Content Refresh Vs. Website Redesign
If your website is struggling to maintain high traffic rates, a content refresh or website redesign is your ticket to getting back on track.
How to properly resize images for the web
Images are a big part of every website these days. Whether you're trying to sell products, promote a service, or get people interested in your blog posts, images play an important role.
However, there's more to it than just slapping the first image that comes up onto your website and calling it good. That could actually end up doing more harm than good if you don't optimize them properly for search engine optimization and site speed.
How do I measure my website speed?
In addition to decreasing bounce rates, faster loading pages can lead to increased time spent per visit, more conversions, and higher revenue for your company.
If you want to improve your ranking in Google's search results and increase traffic/sales from people who land on your site, learn about site speed.
What are Core Web Vitals?
Do we agree that repainting your car while the engine doesn't run is pretty useless?
Likewise, a slick-looking web design without a website platform that can get it ranked on Google isn't going to get you anywhere either.
While high-quality content is still king, the technical side of your SEO (the guts of how your website platform processes everything) is now even more important.
8 Reasons to choose a custom business website
You wouldn't use a drill to hammer in a nail, would you?
Well, maybe if you were desperate and willing to use any tool to just get by for the time being.
Trying to fit your business into a prebuilt theme or out-of-the-box template is much the same. It gets the job done, but you aren't going to be satisfied with the results for long.
How To Edit Your Website SEO Data
Legend Web Works makes editing your website SEO Data simple through automation and easy editing tools. As you are adding new pages and blogs you can quickly customize Page Titles, Page Descriptions, H1 Tags, and Alt Tags as you go.
Image Alt Tags
Image Alt tags are used to describe the image on a...
Types of Calls to Action to use on your website
What is a Call to Action (CTA)?
It is just that: a call to take action. On a website, a call to action can present itself in many different forms, but it is always a clear statement that directly and simply explains what you want your site visitor to do next.
Types of Calls to Action
Below is a l...
How do blogs increase sales?
You run over to them and without knowing a single detail about their lives, you start shouting out a list of landscaping services your company offers, how long you’ve been in business, and holding...