What is a Landing Page?

The conversion of page views to sales is no secret.
It’s simple. There are proven concepts and ideas which digital marketing managers have been using for years to passively drive sales to their company.
One of the best ways to convert visitors to buyers is through the development of comprehensive landing pages.
But wait! We can hear you saying. I have a website! My home page is plenty sharp and I’m converting barely more than 1% of site visitors.
While it’s true that an attractive home page goes a long way towards attracting customers to your site, even the best home pages are not landing pages.
Since the two terms are often confused, let’s define them here:
- A home page is the front page of your website. It contains information about your company and avenues to every page on your site.
- A landing page is a page primarily focused on attracting new customers. It is the first thing your customers see after they follow the call-to-action put forth by an ad or email campaign.
While they are similar, they are not the same. If website sales drive your company’s revenue and you are using your landing page and home page intermittently, you will have trouble converting sales.
In this post, we will discuss the specifics of a landing page, what it should accomplish, and some distinct types of landing pages to consider.
What to Include on Your Landing Page
Foremost, a landing page should make your life easier, NOT harder.
But if that’s the case, then why do so many digital marketers consistently list landing pages as one of the biggest challenges they face?
Landing pages are a challenge precisely because they present such a high reward. Managers do not want to mess up their landing page because they know the opportunities a stellar landing page presents.
When done properly a landing page should have two basic components: potent information relevant to the consumer, and a clear call-to-action.
Chasing the proper images and copy for your landing page can feel like a never-ending process. Part of the reason is that you can always improve your landing page to see better conversion results.
The average landing page converts just 2-5% of visitors into sales. If your company is in that range, try not to nit-pick your landing page too much, it’s already working.
However, if your landing page is below that figure, some changes must be made.
Here are three tips for bettering your landing page:
- Demonstrate your value. Why should someone buy your product or service? What do you offer that your competition does not?
- Know your customers’ needs. If you can anticipate your customers’ needs before they are even fully aware of them, you will attract attention.
- Offer solutions to needs. Give a clear and concise explanation of how your company can meet customer needs. Make the process as simple as can be for your reader – but only if they have your service.
Customize Your Landing Page
You know what they say about a good landing page, right? You can never have just one.
If you have multiple marketing campaigns, you need multiple landing pages to match.
Your reader will only be confused if you offer them a special discount in your email campaign then they are taken to a general landing page when they go to purchase the product.
For each individual deal or campaign, you should make a landing page to match.
Some companies will even go as far as to make a landing page for specific demographics as they feel it will convert more leads. This is a fine project to undertake if your page is already doing well. Just make sure you get the basics down first.
There are three types of landing pages you can use depending on your business.
- Hub-style. This is the most common type of landing page. Hub-style pages have all the information in one spot and allow the reader to choose their own path. You may choose to promote multiple products or programs on this type of page.
- Single deal page. This type of landing page promotes one product or offer. Single deal pages go well with specific campaigns or deals. Don’t try to do too much here. Showcase the product and deal, then make the close with a call-to-action.
- Direct sale page. This is the riskiest type of landing page, but it can be highly effective. The philosophy is this: don’t waste time with pomp and frills, present the reader the option to buy your product immediately. Keep impulse high and don’t focus on peripherals.
To reiterate: for paid campaigns, you must create a specific landing page. Marketing campaigns work off impulse by promoting a deal. Have your ad and landing page work together seamlessly. Your reader should buy your product without even stopping to consider the competition.
Building a Landing Page that Works for Your Company
When properly applied, a landing page is an extremely effective tool for converting sales.
However, if your landing page is a dud, it is only wasting space on your site.
Be sure to always keep your sharpest content above the fold (visible without having to scroll down) and make use of your images and copy to hook the reader.
Be simple, direct, and have a compelling call to action at the end. Make the next steps clear and remove any confusion from your buyer’s mind.
Incorporate social proof where you can by showing off your already satisfied clients.
While this all seems simple, it can all go wrong in a hurry if created by an inexperienced writer and designer.
If you want to create a landing page that works for your company immediately, reach out to Legend Web Works. Our marketing team is experienced with all varieties of businesses, and we have the skills and knowledge to make a landing page that makes sales, not one that loses them.