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Reasons Your Business Should Partner with Local Schools

Kids crowded around one another

If you own a business, then you are always looking for ways to get involved with the community to give back and increase your brand’s visibility.  

One of the best ways to make your business recognizable is to partner with local schools through sponsorship and volunteering.  

Many small businesses wonder: what are the major advantages of partnering with local schools? 

This post will detail a few major benefits of linking up with local schools and what you can expect from the experience.  

Four Reasons to Partner with Local Schools 

Donate funds to help drive local school development 

Local schools are an integral part of your community. When your business donates to a local school, it helps the school’s development and shows that you are investing in improving your community.  

Donating to local schools helps you build relationships with students and faculty, which means that parents are more likely to trust you as well.  


Another way to link your business with local schools is through considerate advertising campaigns. You can pay to advertise your business on school websites, apps, and even scoreboards. That funding directly covers a part of their expenses and advertises your business as a key partner.

When local consumers know your brand and trust that you are committed to improving your community, they are more likely to buy your goods or services. 

Set up challenges for students and show off student projects 

You can also set up a challenge for students and students whose work is showcased in your store or on your website. This can be as simple as a basic art competition or as complicated as a social enterprise project. 

When you do this, two things happen. First, you engage the minds of local children and sow the seeds for the next generation of bright minds in your industry. Second, you boost your brand recognition and show local citizens that you care about giving students intellectual stimulation. 

Set up an internship program and help develop interns' passions 

An internship program is a great way to get to know your local schools and the students that study there. When you set up an internship program, you’ll be able to teach students about your business, how it operates and how they can get involved if they choose. 

Internships are great for high school and college students who are still figuring out how they want to spend their careers.  

When you develop an internship program, you can help develop students’ passions by giving them opportunities to work with different people in the company. Your interns will also have access to various projects and departments within your organization. Not only will this give them valuable experience and knowledge, but the chance to network with other employees—and maybe even find their dream job! 

Pursue educational redevelopment programs 

It's not uncommon to hear about the troubles facing American schools. As a business owner, you might be tempted to think that your company can't do anything about these problems.  

But local businesses can play a major role in improving the educational system by partnering with nearby schools. By establishing an educational redevelopment program (ERP), you'll be able to provide resources that will help students succeed—and even grow your business in the process! 

Here are some examples: 

  • Think textbooks and computers, for starters. These things seem simple enough, but they're often hard to come by when money is tight.  

  • Extracurriculars and tutoring. Many schools have to cut less popular extracurriculars or even tutoring programs to keep them under budget. Don't let students' passions flame out. Extra funding can help students both physically and academically. 

  • You'll also have access to discounted equipment such as laptops or tablets if needed. These items are typically very expensive at retail prices but could end up being quite affordable when purchased through an ERP program. 

Another benefit? Working together will allow everyone involved (students included) to learn valuable skills such as teamwork and leadership that will come into play whenever people spend time working together toward common goals. 

Working with Schools is Great for Business 

Supporting local schools goes a long way towards improving your community. However, it is also a fantastic marketing opportunity.  

Many people already want to support local businesses. Showing that your business is committed to the community can help give you a huge boost in brand recognition. 

Another great way to advertise your company? Have a stellar website.  

If your website is looking a bit clunky or is running on the slow side, then it’s time to reach out to Legend Web Works.  

Our team of innovative web developers will build the website that you have always dreamed about, and our marketing team will help get your name out there so you can drive sales with ease.  

Ready to take your business to the next level? Reach out to Legend Web Works. 

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